Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Day, One breath, One Sep at a Time

One day, one breath, one step at a time... That's how I get through it :)

Keeping this in mind and taking each day and each pound of weight loss as it comes makes this journey easier. It's when looking at the big picture that things can be overwhelming. And as we all have heard many times it took time to put the weight on so its going to take time to take it off.

So don't stress over the things that you can't control and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad or off day. just refocus the next day and go on. Its going to happen. I know we are a society that wants instant gratification. We want the easy fix. If this was easy there wouldn't be a need to lose weight. But this journey of gaining our life and a healthier lifestyle can only be achieved by taking it one day, one breath, and one step at a time. And just remember we are in this together.

Hugs, Cheryl

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