My Story

I have been a woman that has battled my weight most of my life. I think my first diet was when I was in the 6th grade. And that was because I had a teacher who several times said that I had better do something because I was Fat. Which talk about a major blow to an impressionable young woman. From there I tried many many many different diets, from Weight loss clinic, to slim fast, to Jenny Craig to even LA Weightloss. Nothing worked because I was never shown what it takes to lose the weight and keep it off.

Then to add to my weight problem, about a little over 10 years ago I was diagnosed with relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis. And during the time since my diagnosis. I have seen my weight go from as high as 298 to as low as 175. But was not able to maintain it or keep the weight off. I know that besides already battling my weight I was fighting a losing battle it seemed because the medications I've had to take to treat the MS only added more weight. And more health issues. So its hard to find a way to balance both when one is fighting the other. But you know it wasn't until around the middle of April 2010 that things finally really clicked for me to help me come to the realization that there was no one and nothing that was going to change my weight or my health except me. So that was when I took action and decided to join Metabolic Research Center. And you know, it is the best and easiest choice I could have made.

Losing weight and keeping it off is not an easy thing to do. but I have learned this past year that in order to keep control of my health I needed to take back my life and stop making excuses and letting outside forces control me. I have been on an amazing journey and things just keep getting better as the weight comes off.