My progress

On Thursday 6/24

Weighed in and I had lost another pound so at that point down 24 pounds and lost 41 inches overall. So that is amazing! Even my counselor was shocked.

Monday 6/28

Down another pound! Yeah…. So looking forward to the 30 pound mark which is only 4.5lbs away.

Friday 7/2

Down 2 pounds...Woo hoo! only 2.5 pounds away from 30 pounds now. Let's see if I can make it by my next weigh in on Tuesday.

Tuesday 7/6

Down another 2 pounds. And now am just .5 away from making the 30 pound mark. Hopefully I will reach it before the end of the week, I'm gonna get ya .5 lbs!!!

Friday 7/9

Ok this is unofficial but it was at the Dr's office so it counts. I am down another pound since Tuesday and that means that I have lost 30.5 pounds. Can't believe that I have accoumplished so much in such a short time.

Saturday 7/10

Ok officially I have lost another 1/2 pound since weighing in at the Dr's yesterday and that means that I have now lost a total of 31 pounds. Can't believe how good this feels.

Wednesday 7/14

Lost only a half pound but that means a total of 31.5 pounds. So close to getting below that 240. I am going to do it by Saturday. And I will do it.

Saturday 7/17

I did it! down 1.5 pounds puts me under 240 finally.

Tuesday 7/20

Another 1.5 pounds since Saturday. that means 34.5 pounds so far.

Friday 7/23

Another pound down. So that's 35.5 pounds and a total of 54 inches overall.

Tuesday 7/27

Wow, down another pound so that's 36.5 pounds now. It means I only have 3.5 to go to reach the 40 pound mark. I will be there by next week for sure.

Wednesday 8/04
Lost another .5 pounds so that's 37 pounds total. Just 3 pounds to reach 40 pounds. I am going to get there!

Friday 8/6
Ok really close now. Lost 2 pounds since Wednesday. SO that makes 39 pounds. 1 more to go!!!!

Monday 8/9
WooHoo!!!! I did it, lost another pound so that makes 40 pounds in 13 weeks. Can’t believe that I did it!

Saturday 8/14
Lost another pound since Monday. that makes 41 pounds total. So 9.5 to reach 50 pounds. I can do it! I’ll be there by the begining of Sept.

Tuesday 8/17
Lost 2 more pounds since Sat. That makes it 43 pounds now. only 7 more to reach 50....Woohoo!!!

Friday 8/20
Lost another 1.5 pounds since Tuesday. Only 5.5 to go now. I will make it..... :-)

Friday 8/27
Lost a pound and a half. So thats 4.5 pound to go to reach 50. Hopefully can make it by the end of next week.

Wednesday 9/1
Lost a 1/2 pound. So still have 4 pounds to go to reach the 50 pounds. Hopefully I can do it by the beginning of next week. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS

Wednesday 9/8
Lost 4 pounds since last weigh in. Can't believe that I am now only 1 pound away from 50 pounds. And only have 11 left to reach my half way point. WOOHOO!!!!

Saturday 9/11
I DID IT!!!! As of this Morning I have lost 51.5 pounds. So on to the next goal.

Thursday 9/23
I lost another 1/2 pound so that makes 54 pounds total and the unbelievable part is 71.25 inches overall. that is more than I am tall. So I have lost in inches the height of one whole person. Unreal!

Friday 10/08
Gained 2 pounds. A little disappointed. But considering the harsh medication that I was giving for the spastic colon it could have been a lot worse.  Will just get back on track and refocus. I will blow past that 60 pound mark soon.

Thursday 10/14
Lost 2.5 pounds so that puts me back at 54 pounds down. So only 6 pounds now to go to reach the 60 pound mark. How should I celebrate!

Thursday 10/21
Lost another pound. So that leaves 5 pounds to reach 60. But the really exciting part is 81 inches overall. Thats a lot of inches baby!!!!

Saturday 10/30
Lost 3 pounds since my last weigh in. So that leaves 2 pounds to reach the 60 pound mark. Can't wait cause that means the half way point is just within reach

Wednesday 12/01
Ok noticed that I hadn't posted for a month. But I was fluctuating a lot. So lost 4.5 this morning so I am back to being now just 1.5 pounds away from reaching 60 pounds. I will blow by that no problem!!!!!

Friday 12/03
Woohoo! I did it lost another 1.5 pounds and have made it to losing a total of 60 pounds. Now I can't wait to make it to the next goal of 12-15 pounds because that will put me at only 36 to go after that.

Tuesday 12/14
Lost 2 pounds since last weigh in. So still heading in a positive direction. Can't wait to get out of the 200's

Wednesday 3/2
Ok so I had gained a little back while I was trying to get through the holidays and my birthday but I lost 4.5 pounds and a total now of 93 inches overall so definitely getting back on track.