Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let's focus on the Future

Get your focus off past failures and on to future sucesses. There is a reason that your windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror. The biggest part of your focus needs to be on where you're going, not where you've been. The future and your success are in front of you. All eyes and efforts must be looking forward, cause the simple fact is, if you spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror you're going to crash!!

Practice your focus by refusing to entertain past failures...don't keep talking about them. Entertain only positive thoughts and intentions by talking about them... with anyone who will listen! Talk about the new you that you're becoming and you will become that person. Put yourself in the frame of mind that has only one gear "FORWARD". If you're committed to FORWARD you won't ever "park" (become complacent) or go in "reverse" (relapse) again. It's as impossible to look forward and backward at the same time as it is to walk north and south at the same time! Remember, the direction that you're going is the direction you're choosing to go. The Power is yours - make the right decision...make the decision that lines up with your focus. Your vision has EVERYTHING to do with your weekly weight loss average and ultimately, the outcome of your program.

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