Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well just got back from MRC and I didn't lose anything from when I weighed in on the 27th. But the good news is that I didn't gain anything either. My focus this week is to really increase my water intake to at least 112 oz and to get to the gym at least 3-4 days per week. And then to just stick completely to plan. No more birthday cake! giggles

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need to refocus on Exercise...

I realize today that I have been a little slacking in my exercise plan. I have to get my butt back in gear so that I am able to lose the weight a little faster. The past several days things have slowed. But I am focusing my efforts on hitting that 40 pound mark this next week. SO gotta step it up. Tonight was tough though had family dinner to celebrate my Dad’s 66th birthday. And I wasn’t going to have any cake but broke down and had some. And I still feel blah! And after the crazy busy day at work I am exhausted.  But tomorrow is a new day and so I will start fresh and hit the gym too.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let's focus on the Future

Get your focus off past failures and on to future sucesses. There is a reason that your windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror. The biggest part of your focus needs to be on where you're going, not where you've been. The future and your success are in front of you. All eyes and efforts must be looking forward, cause the simple fact is, if you spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror you're going to crash!!

Practice your focus by refusing to entertain past failures...don't keep talking about them. Entertain only positive thoughts and intentions by talking about them... with anyone who will listen! Talk about the new you that you're becoming and you will become that person. Put yourself in the frame of mind that has only one gear "FORWARD". If you're committed to FORWARD you won't ever "park" (become complacent) or go in "reverse" (relapse) again. It's as impossible to look forward and backward at the same time as it is to walk north and south at the same time! Remember, the direction that you're going is the direction you're choosing to go. The Power is yours - make the right decision...make the decision that lines up with your focus. Your vision has EVERYTHING to do with your weekly weight loss average and ultimately, the outcome of your program.

Some great news during Weigh in

So just got back from WI at MRC and found out that they had unanimously voted me to be the Client of the Month for August. Could not believe it. They all said that because of what I have already accomplished by reversing my several health issues they just wanted to share my story. So I am excited, because I want to hopefully inspire others to make the change to a healthier lifestyle. It can make such a difference and besides that it losing the weight is an added benefit.

So I lost another pound since Friday. And that means I only have 3.5 to go to reach my next goal of 40 pounds. I will for sure do that by next week. So just more motivation to stay on plan.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Day, One breath, One Sep at a Time

One day, one breath, one step at a time... That's how I get through it :)

Keeping this in mind and taking each day and each pound of weight loss as it comes makes this journey easier. It's when looking at the big picture that things can be overwhelming. And as we all have heard many times it took time to put the weight on so its going to take time to take it off.

So don't stress over the things that you can't control and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad or off day. just refocus the next day and go on. Its going to happen. I know we are a society that wants instant gratification. We want the easy fix. If this was easy there wouldn't be a need to lose weight. But this journey of gaining our life and a healthier lifestyle can only be achieved by taking it one day, one breath, and one step at a time. And just remember we are in this together.

Hugs, Cheryl

My Declaration of Thin Dependence

On thusday the 22nd I  came from a great class at MRC. Very inspiring and even more motivation to keep up my efforts to be thin, healthy and fabulous. We were given a great bit of motivation and I thought I would share it with all of you....

Declaration of Thin Dependence

"My Bill of Rights"

I have the right to be THIN

I have the right to enjoy an ACTIVE Lifestyle

I have the right to say "NO"

I have the right to FEEL GOOD (and be proud of myself)

I have the right to take TIME FOR MYSELF

I have the right to make a HEALTHY choice

I have the right to be THIN FROM WITHIN


So lets all declare our Thin Dependence, because we are strong, beautiful, fabulous people. And we are all going to win this war against obesity!

Hello World

Welcome to my Blog .This is my way of sharing the Ups and Downs of my weight loss journey and the inspirations and milestones that I have been through so that I can hopefully give help and inspiration to others.

This year has so far been quite a interesting one for me. I had begun with many ups and downs due to my health. And that was what finally motivated me to turn to Metabolic research center for help once and for all to lose the weight that has plagued me most of my life.When the Doctors started saying that my health issues were mainly irritable bowel syndrome and that there were more meds that they would prescribe to help, that was enough. I finally realized that no one and nothing else was going to help me feel better. I was the one who had to change things.

So that was why I made the change and started my program with MRC. And to date I have lost 35.5 pounds and so far 54 inches over all. I have aproximately 86 pounds to go. But am well on my way...

And for the first time in my life I'm realizing that "nothing tastes as good as being thin  and healthy feels."