Thursday, December 30, 2010

A new year and more new beginnings

This past year and especially the past 8 months has been such an amazing journey for me. I never could have imagined that I would finally get it and make the lifestyle changes needed to take control of my weight once and for all. But I have. By changing to a much cleaner and healtier eating plan and getting regular exercise I have lost almost 65 pounds. And am well on my way to losing the rest of the weight that I have let myself get burdened with over a large part of my adult life.

I am excited for the new year because I have been able to accomplish so much already and there are so many things to look forward to. One of them being that on new years eve I am going on my first real date in almost 2 years. And it is with a really incredible man who is so sweet and kind and caring. I am excited and nervous and giddy all at the same time. And I think that the most amazing part is that even with knowing my weight struggles and how I had battled MS. This person doesn't care about those things, he wants to know me for who I am inside, He wants to know and find out more about what is in my heart. Nothing else matters to him. God brings people into are lives for specfic reasons and I feel so deeply blessed to be starting another new beginning in life. And I look forward to seeing where the new year will take us all.

Another new thing I am looking forward to is that I have been asked to help teach some motivational classes at Metabolic Research center to help share my weight loss journey and hopefully help to inspire others to live the best life possible themselves. So it's goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011 and an amazing new chapter of what is a truly amazing journey already.

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Adventures....

As I had mentioned before I have been looking for new ways to step up my fitness plan. For the past seven months most of my exercise has consisted mainly of walking either at the gym or doing charity fitness walks.

I am always looking for new and different ways to step things up and give variety to my health and fitness efforts.   Now I have found something new that seems to work for me. I have started running. Never thought in a million years that I would become a runner. But I am. Although I am still new at this and starting out. I find that I am able to run about 4 days a week. And now I have found a plan that I think can help to step things up and keep my weight loss moving in a right direction. I will run at least 4-5 days a week and then incoporate weights and strength training into it on my off days from running. 

After my weigh in today I am getting even more motivated to keep on my plan and keep working hard to reach my goal weight and just keep living the healthiest, fittest life possible. And this also fuels my desire to help and motivate others to change their health and reach their goals for health and fitness. So looking foward to the coming new year and seeing where things go with my healthy lifestyle and seeing if I can achieve my goals of running a 5k and later a 10k and then see where this new adventure in running takes me.   I can't wait to see what life has in store for me. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Progress that feels truly amazing to me....

This journey has been one that a year ago I never would have imagined possible. And it feels truly amazing to me. To be at a point in my life where serious health issues are no longer hanging over my head. I have been able to overcome the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and to even turn things so completely around to where the multiple sclerosis is no longer an issue, and it may never be an issue again. If there is anything that keeps my motivation to lose the weight and live the healthiest life possible. Its just that! To never have problems with MS.

Looking back now, I realize that even though I was managing the MS as best as I possibly could and was trying so hard to not let it take control of my life. That it had. It was controlling me by not letting me live life to the fullest. And once I realized that I had to take control of my health and my life. It was no longer an issue.

As I have been on my weight loss journey so far this year. I have been able to do things that in that past I never thought would be possible. And it is because I have chosen to step outside of my comfort zone and do things that I hadn't tried before. And that is a really incredible feeling.

I am running now! That is something I never thought I would do. And you know the really amazing thing for me has been the incredible feeling I get from running. And that I have had no pain, no muscle spasms. A little achiness but  you get that when you know you have had a good workout. I have really enjoyed this new part of my fitness journey. And it just drives my passion and desire to live the best life possible. Besides it just makes me want to continue to step things up and drive my weightloss efforts even more. I am going to get to my next goal and drive even more to reach my goal weight. Which isn't all that far away now.

I am really excited to see what the new year will bring. Because life is now truly amazing and just keeps getting better.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Can't believe that I really did it!

Just got back from weigh in at Metabolic and I can't believe that I really did it! I have officially lost a total of 60 pounds as of this morning!!!!!!!!

The past month I had been struggling and now because I buckled down and re-focused I made it. And it feels pretty darn amazing. I am just more determined and even more focused on making it to the next mini goal of losing 12-15 pounds by the end of the month. Means lots of gym time and lots of water. And staying on plan. I can and will do it. Why would I want to stop now?

You see I finally have gotten to the point in my life where I no longer feel constantly sick. I no longer have serious health issues hanging over my head. And life is pretty amazing now. And this all was possible because I finally realized that the only person that could change things around and take charge of my health was me. And I am doing it. And that it's self is also something that feels truly wonderful. Now I truly look forward to the coming year. And cannot wait to see what God's plan is for me.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting excited, things are moving in the right direction

Weighed in this morning and things are getting back on track. Lost 4.5 pounds since my last weigh in. WOOHOO!!! Giggles

So doing meta-quick did help me to refocus and get back on track. Plus, I am getting back in the gym more regularly. So I am sure that is helping too. I am only 1.5 pounds away from reaching a total weight loss of 60 pounds. And then that leaves only 10-15 to my next mini goal. Which I should hopefully reach by the end of the month. So just going to keep focusing on attaining that next goal. Because then I will only have about another 36 to go after that.

Never imagined that I would be able to get to the point where I look forward to working out. And now I am even running and I have no pain in my legs or knees. In fact my legs are stronger than they have been in many years. And there is absolutely no sign or symptoms of the MS at all. I am beginning to think my Neurologist is right. The Multiple Sclerosis may never be an issue for me again. And to think that it was a matter of staying on the therapy and changing my diet and having regular exercise that could make it possible. This is why my motivation and passion remain strong. I have been able to reverse the effects of very serious health issues and no longer need to depend on heavy medications or Dr's to maintain quality of life.  For the first time in many years I feel as though I was never sick. My heart is healthy and so much stronger. My MS is pretty much non existent. And I have eliminated the risk of developing Diabetes, which is very prevalent in my family. So all of this is what gives me the drive and the passion to finally win the battle that I have had with my weight. And to do something that I now truly enjoy as my career. And so becoming a certified personal fitness trainer will give me the ability to combine my passions. To help inspire and motivate others to live the best, healthiest lifestyle possible, and that is is possible to overcome any obstacles that they are facing. Because if I can do it. Anyone Can!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting back on track

Well thanksgiving is behind us. And you know this year I was pretty good. Made sure that I used portion control and drank plenty of water, and used my High Nutrient supplements and was even able to get in a 2 mile run/walk at the gym that morning. When I went to weigh in I was up 4 pounds. And no I did not gain that all in one day. I had been struggling over the couple of weeks leading up to the holiday. Was under a lot of stress at work and had not been able to workout as often as I wanted to. And then on top of everything ended up breaking my hand. So those 4 pounds actually were over a 2 week period.

So now I am getting back on track. I decided to get back on the Meta quick plan which is pretty strict. So that I can push past this plateau. Time to get really serious and get back on track to losing the rest of the weight that I want to lose. And now I have my game plan to make it through Christmas. My plan is that I will work out at least 3-5 days per week. Making sure to stay within the 200 minutes per week that Metabolic advises for optimum weight loss. Will also make sure that I am getting in at least 100 oz of water everyday. Will go to weigh in at least 2 days a week. As a friend said don't settle for anything less than progress. And that is what I am doing. Focussing, or should I say refocussing on my plan and working towards my goals. By the time that I finish my weight loss and finish school I will be a totally different person. One who will be able to do anything I want. Will be able to keep striving for my dreams and who will hopefully be able to  help and inspire others to change their lifestyles and live the best, healthiest life possible. If I can change my lifestyle and be able to overcome the many serious health issues that I faced anyone can do it.

You know if you had asked me last thanksgiving what I was most thankful for and what i was looking forward to in the coming year, I wouldn't have been able to tell you. Because at that point I was still dealing with so many health issues. But in this past year I have been able to reverse the effects of high blood pressure and hypertension. I have been able to reverse the effects of the multiple sclerosis to the point that I no longer have signs or symptoms of it. And now I have been able to fight the effects of obesity. And am going to break past the point where I will no longer be considered obese. And I am changing my life to the point where by going to school to be a certified fitness trainer I will be able to do something that I am truly passionate about and will be able to do what I love and that is to help and hopefully inspire others. So I have so much to be truly and deeply thankful for this year. And the blessings that God keeps giving me just make looking to the future even more exciting. Can't wait to see what the coming year holds.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I passed....

I haven't written for a few days but I have been pretty busy studying....And I just did my first 3 part quiz and I passed!!!!! YEAH! Now its on to studying the next section which is Kinesiology and Biometrics. Gonna be a big one. But you know I don't mind cause I am really enjoying my classes and it is making so much more sense how the muscles and nerves work and how what we put in our mouths really does effect the body and how the body breaks it down or not. So for me this is just proving that my decision to lose weight and change my lifestyle to a much cleaner, healthier, fit one was the best decision I could ever make.

And now with starting this part of my journey to become a certified Fitness Trainer, I want to share my passion for health and fitness with others so that I can better help them to live the best life they can. And I want to continue to inspire others through my journey because if I can overcome the many health issues and obstacles that I have anyone can.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The benefits of Exercise

Most people know that they should exercise, but sometimes they lose sight of why it's so important. The Surgeon General reports that physical activity can have several positive benefits for women:

•Reduces the risk of dying from coronary heart disease and of developing high blood pressure, colon cancer and diabetes.

•Helps maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.

•Helps control weight, build lean muscle and reduce body fat.

•Helps control joint swelling and pain associated with arthritis.

•May enhance the effect of estrogen replacement therapy in decreasing bone loss after menopause.

•Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression and fosters improvements in mood and feelings of well-being.

•Can help reduce blood pressure in some women with hypertension.

Life is just getting better.....

Just got back from my weigh in. And I am really happy to say that I have lost 3 pounds since my last weigh in. And that means that I have only 2 pounds left to reach 60 pounds. Never thought I was going to reach this point already. But I am almost there.

And life is just getting better and better. As I am losing weight, my health just keeps improving and I feel like I haven't felt in over 20 years. And now it just fuels my passion to keep growing and changing as a person. That is why I am so excited about going to school now to get my Personal Fitness Trainer certification. Because I want to be able to help and inspire others on a more personal level to take control of their health and live the best, most fit and healthy lifestyle that they possibly can.

I think most of us don't really think about the fact that the food that we eat really does effect our bodies in such a way as it can be a help or a hinderance. As I have began my first course I find that it really is something that makes a huge impact on whether a person can be healthy or not. As I go through this part of my health and fitness journey I will share what I am learning and then when I graduate in June. I will be able to help even more to motivate and encourage you to live the best life possible. We are all in this together!

Friday, October 22, 2010

8 Steps to a Healthy Heart |

8 Steps to a Healthy Heart

This is an awesome article that I found from the Couch to 5k program that I have been following recently. Makes you really stop and think....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doing a little happy Dance...

I'm a Happy Girl! Just got back from my weigh in at MRC and I have lost another pound. But why I am so happy is I have now lost a total of 81 inches. That is a lot of inches baby!!! giggling.

You know when you make a committment to follow program its amazing how easily things fall into place. My focus this weekend is to get all of my water in. To get a good run in every other day. And to start getting some strength training in too. I'm also going to give Meta-Quick another go, and see how much I can lose before my next weigh in on Monday. My goal is that by this time next week I want to be at the 60 pound mark. And who knows maybe even blow past it.

I am excited because I am getting closer to my goals and I am loving my life. And I am going to be able to start school soon too. So life if pretty awesome right now. Hugs Everyone!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Having a blast...

Tonight I decided to hit the gym to blow off some steam and to kinda challenge myself again to see what I could accomplish. Well I am happy and excited to report that I was able to do a 20 minute run. I have been trying to increase my overall pace and endurance so that I could give running a try again. After having to back off on running for a few months because of a muscle injury, I have been slowly working at getting my endurance and strength back up. And I am so happy that I could do the 20 minutes.

So who knows maybe I really will be able to make my goal of being able to actually run a 5k in the next few months. More than anything its a blast to be able to keep changing things up and finding more and different ways to be a more fit and active person. So we'll see what kind of progress I can make in the coming weeks and months. It would be so cool if I can run one of the ORRC events in the coming months. I think joining the Oregon Road Runners club was a great idea because it is helping me to keep my motivation strong to keep on this new journey of a healthier, leaner, more fit lifestyle.

Going to bed now a peaceful , centered and happy lady.....giggles

Monday, October 18, 2010

Growing and changing

"God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."
As I have been on this journey of weight loss, and growth as a person. I realize that God has give me so much. He has brought people into my life that have challenged me to see that my journey is still on going. And that I am a much stronger person than I had imagined. God is showing me that since I have chosen to take care of myself and that by loving myself and my accomplishments that I can begin to allow another person to see whats in my heart and share my passion for Christ with others as well as my passion for life. That is what is leading me to pursue the idea of becoming a personal trainer. I have always loved helping others. And since my passion for health and fitness is continuing to grow and deepen what better way than to be an Certified Fitness trainer and health and nutrition specialist.
I don't have to have other people's approval in what I have chosen to do. There is only 2 people that I am accountable to. 1st is to God and second is to myself. I know that God has special plans for my life and I am just going to let Him continue to be my guide.
I will continue to share my adventures with you. Because I want to continue to hopefully help inspire others to live the best life possible. If I can do this anyone can.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Continuing my fitness adventure.....

Yesterday I had another new adventure on this fitness journey. And it was a lot of fun! Recently I decided to join the Oregon Road Runners club as a way of continuing to be as active as possible. Because throughout the entire year they often have fitness running and walking events to promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

So yesterday I participated in the 36th annual Blue Lake Run/Walk. I did it to try to challenge myself and see if I could be in the top 6 female walkers. And to see how quickly I could do the 5k. I was 6th. And I finished at just 44 minutes. Not too bad! Especially considering that I was fighting a bad cold too.

It was a gorgious course. And we got so lucky the sun came out and it was dry, a little cold at the start but it was a truly gorgeous day. And it was a lot of fun because a new friend that I had met, Chris came to hang out with me and cheer and support me at the race and then after, we got to visit the Vista House and then went to have a really nice lunch and just spend time chatting. Chris has been very supportive of my journey and that feels really nice to know someone that has been going through the same things too. So we were motivating to each other I think....giggles.

This new part of my life, living the healthiest, fittest life possible has really got me thinking what more can I do to help and support and encourage others? And Chris gave me a great idea. I am going to look into being a Personal Trainer, focusing on fitness and nutrition. I think that it will be a great way to help others who have struggled with weight and also have had health issues related to weight to show that it really is possible to change their lifestyle and reverse the health effects and live the best healthiest life possible. So in the next few months I am going to look into starting the process and going to school to be a trainer. Because I really want to help others, and what better way then to help teach what I have learned so that everyone can live the best life possible. If I can change my life around like I have over the past several months anyone can.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Heading in the right direction again

Just got back from my weigh in at MRC. And I am pretty happy. I lost 2.5 pounds so that means that I am back at 54 pounds total lost to date. So that leaves only 6 pounds to reach the 60 pound mark. I cannot wait!!!

So it shows that even with the little set back just getting back on plan and refocused did help to drop what I had gained from being on the pain meds. Now time to focus and get ready for the 5k walk on Saturday. I am excited, for a couple of reasons. One, I am going to try to challenge myself and see if I can be in the top 6 finishers. And second my friend Chris is going to come with me to cheer me on and then we are going to go have lunch. So it will be a great weekend. And I will post pictures from the race. Have a happy and blessed day everyone. :-)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A spoonful of Sugar

Got some great information from MRC the other day that I just wanted to share.  I don't think that we really realize it but Sugar is not the best thing for you especially from the aspect of trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Did you know.....

  • Sugar can suppress the immune system.
  • Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance
  • Sugar can contribute to hyperactivity, anxiety, depression, and concentration difficulties.
  • Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
  • Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity
  • Sugar can reduce helpful high density cholesterol (HDLs) while elevating harmful cholesterol (LDLs)
  • Sugar can cause hypoglycemia
  • Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection
  • Sugar can cause kidney damage
  • Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease
  • Sugar can promote tooth decay
  • Sugar can produce an acidic stomach
  • Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children
  • Sugar can lead to periodontal disease
  • Sugar can speed the again process, causing wrinkles and grey hair
  • Sugar can increase the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Sugar can contribute to diabetes
  • Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis
  • Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity
  • Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance
  • Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease
  • Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure
  • Sugar causes food allergies
  • Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream
  • Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy
  • Sugar can contribute to eczema in children
  • Sugar can overstress the pancreas
  • Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver
  • Sugar can increase kidney size and can produce pathological changes in the kidney
  • Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention
  • Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance
  • Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines
  • Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases the risk of blood clots and strokes
So as you can see Sugar has effects that are not the best for being able to live the healthiest lifestyle and lose the weight that we are trying to lose. So hopefully this gives you some food for thought.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Leona Lewis - Footprints In The Sand

This Is a very Beautiful song that I want to share because it expresses the fact the even in the struggle of weight loss we are not alone.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Little set back, but time to refocus and get back on track

Went to weigh in this morning and because of having the set back last week with my spastic colon. I had gained 2 pounds. Which really is not bad considering that I was put on very harsh medication to treat the pain. It could have been worse. I could have gained a lot more.

So it's time to refocus and get back on track. My plan is to keep increasing my water intake. Get in at least 3 days of cardio. And just keep taking all my supplements. Determined to keep losing and get to my next goal. Which is to reach a 60 pound weight loss. That's only 8.5 pounds. I can do that no problem. I want to be past that before Thanksgiving. Because I know that going into the holidays is going to be a huge challenge. But that is one challenge that I am going to conquer. Just like all the others that I have already been able to overcome.

So time to step things up again and get back on track.
I will do it!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

BetterMe Coaching Tool

BetterMe Coaching Tool: "The Go Red BetterMe Coaching Tool is the perfect companion to the Go Red BetterU 12-week program. Every day, you'll get tips, reminders, and more sent directly to your tool. You'll also be able to chat directly with other members of the program on the “Wall” share tips, motivational quotes, and work through barriers with others. You can also access and edit your journal entries directly from the tool."

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The emotional side of weight loss

You might not really think that your emotions have much to do with losing weight, but that is a very large part of why we struggle with losing weight. More than likely you are an emotional eater. We all are in one way or another. Many it for comfort, to feel better. Or from boredom. That was me. I would get so bored that I would turn to food.

When we are infants we are emotional eaters. It gave us comfort to eat, to deal with the stresses of begining life. As we grew we should learn to find other ways to cope, but many like myself never learned that. It was easy to turn to food. Because I was never taught differently. When I was growing up food was where much of my family found comfort and happiness. Family gatherings always revolved around lots of food. So whenever I was alone and extremely bored I would grab junk food to not have to think about what or how I was feeling. And that is what had gotten me into trouble where food was concerned. As I became an adult other factors came into play with my weight, I let my emotions control more of myself because of depression and illness and again boredom. And even some self loathing. It wasn't until I began to experience even more health issues that I finally came to the realization that there was nothing and no one that could fix things and make them better. Food doesn't fix things. Medication doesn't fix things. And my Dr's certainly couldn't fix things. There was only one way things could change. I had to start loving myself and taking care of myself. And I then could change things and begin to lose the weight that I have fought all my life.

So making the choice to love myself, and realize that I am a worthwhile person is when losing weight began to really work and it was then that I found that choosing to live a healthier, more productive life was actually very easy. It is how I have learned that rather than being an emotional eater I eat to give my body energy and fuel to live the best life possible. But that life does not revolve around food. I choose to live my life to the fullest and no longer need to depend on food or others to do it. It's time to choose life. If I can do it you can too.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So many Changes....

As I have been on this journey of weight loss and self discovery. So many changes have been happening. But all of very exciting. Today another new change. I have lost enough weight lately that I realized I needed to get a new pair of jeans. So today during my lunch break I decided to go the Gap and see if I could find some jeans. The salesperson was really nice. He asked what I wanted in a pair of jeans. And when I told him, he gave me a few different suggestions and one even was a smaller size then what I currently have been wearing.  And so I went to try them on. And found that I actually could not only wear the smaller size that he had given me. But it was even a little loose. So when I told him that he recommended try the next size down. And believe it or not they actually fit. So I bought my first pair of size 12 jeans. Unreal. I have not been able to wear a size 12 for a little over 10 years. Feels really amazing!!!

So my motivation just keeps going and keeps growing stronger. I can't wait to see where I will end up when I reach my goal weight in January. Maybe one of my friends at work is right and I will be a size 6....giggles. I will be really happy if I can be a size 6 or 8. More than anything I am most looking forward to reaching the point where I will never be considered Obese or even overweight again. Especially since I have battled my weight all of my life. I have already decided to surprise my Dr. when I reach goal. Because then I will be able to make him take the Obese diagnosis off of my health chart. And I know that might seem silly but it will be so amazing to be able to not have that on my chart. Because that will be another health issue that I have been able to completely reverse. And I never imagined that this would be possible and now it is.

Life is pretty amazing now. And my confidence just keeps growing as my body keeps shrinking.  So watch out world this butterfly really is spreading her wings.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Race for the Cure...

This morning I got to be a part of Portland’s Race for the Cure. We finished in exactly 90 minutes. It was a good day because we got lucky that it stayed dry until just after we finished. Although some did get wet. Our Race was actually pretty awe inspiring because Portland is the largest Race for the Cure per capita. And we are the third largest race in the world. It’s such an amazing thing to know that we could be a part of something so big. And that so many people at one time would be able to come together to help fight breast cancer. And there were so many from the very young, like my co-worker’s son who was only 5 months old, to many in their late nineties. Truly inspiring

So this was a great way to spend my morning doing something that makes a difference as well as continuing to do something that helps me to remain strong and healthy and lose weight. I will definitely do it again next year. Makes me want to do more fitness events. In fact I am thinking about joining the local Road runners club. Being fit and healthy now feels pretty amazing. So why would I want to stop now?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can't believe that I am this close....

I just got back from my weigh in with MRC and I had lost another 2 pounds since Saturday's weigh in. So that means 53.5 pounds lost. So that means that I have 6.5 pounds to go to reach halfway. I can't believe that I am this close to reaching my halfway point now. So the goal is to focus on losing the 6.5 pounds over the next week or so. Hoping that I will be able to reach it by the end of next week. So to accomplish that I am going to work on increasing my water intake a little each day. And then I am also going to work on strength training. So that I can strengthen my core and work on building more muscle in my arms and legs. So excited to know that halfway is just around the corner. I am going to be there before we know it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Doing Meta-Quick

Ok, so for the past 5 days I have been on what MRC calls the meta-quick plan. I drink a meal replacement shake for breakfast and either a shake for lunch or a meal replacement bar. And then also make sure that I have a total of 5 high nutrient supplements throughout the day. And then have a regular meal for dinner of Chicken, tuna or Turkey, with vegetables and a starch. I wasn't sure how I would do on it at first because it seems drastic. But you know it is great. I still don't feel hungry. I did the first day, but I think that was because my body wasn't used to the fact that it wasn't getting the normal amount of food 3 times a day like it was used to. So my tummy growled at me a lot that first night.

But I think I have gotten used to it. Or maybe I just don't pay as much attention to it anymore. Because often I know its not that I am really hungry. But then it also could be because I try to stay busier now adays. And maybe because my new guy friend has my attention more. Not sure what it is. but I am still losing. It has been almost a pound a day drop since thursday when I started. So hopefully on the 7th day which is wednesday it will put me within 4-5 pounds of reaching my half way point. Which is extremely exciting. I think what makes me really excited has been that I am wearing regular size 16's and not having to shop in plus sizes.  And right now I am one pound from being at my lowest weight in 2 years.

Things keep changing for me in such positive ways. I am getting healthier  by continuing to lose weight. I have met a pretty amazing guy who really appreciates me and respects me and treats me like I have always deserved to be treated. And I just am loving life. I am really looking forward to the future and can't wait to see what happens in the coming months.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Steppin Out to fight Diabetes

I just had the most amazing Sunday morning. I had decided to participate in the local Step out to Fight Diabetes walk. It was a charity fitness walk to raise money to fight Diabetes. And since it is a disease that has effected my family and many close friends in many ways I thought what better way to give back and help by giving my time to walk and help raise money.

This was a great walk, and you had a choice to walk either 3 miles or 6 miles and I had never done a 6 mile walk so I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could do it. And I did it! We had started the walk at 9:30am and I crossed the finish line at exactly 11am. So that was 6 miles in an hour and 30 minutes. I will admit that my feet and my hips felt sore as I was nearing the end of the course but it is amazing feeling and I don't feel tired. Actually the opposite. Energized!!!

So now I am looking forward to my next adventure which is to do Portlands Race for the Cure which is next Sunday. Probably wont be able to finish as quickly but it will still be fun. And I get to do it with a group of friends from work so that will be great.

With all this fun fitness between now and next Sunday I am anxious to see what will happen this week when I go to weigh in. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I did it and you can too....

I can’t believe it,  I DID IT! As of this morning I have lost a total of 51.5 pounds. So now I am only 8.5 pounds away from reaching my half-way point. And considering the fact that I am doing Meta-quick and have 2 charity fitness walks one tomorrow and another next sunday. I should get pretty close to reaching 60 pounds quickly.

I really can’t believe how easy it has been to change to a healthier lifestyle, just by eating better and getting regular exercise. And drinking at least 125-130oz of water everyday. And it might seem hard to cut out sugar, caffiene and really watch the salt intake. But all of those things has helped me to completely reverse the effects of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even Multiple Sclerosis. And if I can do this and be sucessful at losing the weight once and for all, anyone can.

 But you have to want it more that anything and you have to realize that you are worth it and you deserve it. It wasn’t until I finally realized that and started loving myself that it all began to work. So don’t be afraid to try, and don’t beat yourself up if you choose to go off plan and have something that might not be the healthiest choice. Just remember it is a choice. You can’t cheat with food, it’s impossible. Food is just fuel for your body to give you energy. Nothing more nothing less. And when you think that your hungry and want to eat that cookie or cake. Get up and go for a walk or call and talk with a friend instead. You’ll see that you really don’t need food like you had thought.

We all can win this battle with weight and we can do it together.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nothing tastes as good....

Can't believe it! I just got back from weigh in at Metabolic and I had lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in. And so that puts me at exactly 1 pound away from losing 50 pounds. I can honestly say that NOTHING tastes as good as being thin feels. I am seeing it more each day in how my clothes fit, how much more energy I have and how others react to me now.

This week my focus is going to be to increase the water a little more and then I am going to get really strict and do what's called meta-quik which will involve taking 2 meal replacement shakes and then eating a regular meal for dinner as well as having a total of 5 of my high nutrient supplements. So hopefully that should help me blow past the 50 pound mark by Saturday. Which will be great. Never imagined that I could be this far already. That leaves 11 pounds to go to reach my half way point. Woohoo! By the end of September hopefully I should be there. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Only down a half pound...

Weighed in at metabolic this morning. And I had only lost a half pound. But still happy about that. Considering that I had taken my MS medication Monday night it could have been worse. So hopefully I can finish the week with a good loss on Saturday. We will see.

It has been a great week though. Many positives continuing to happen for me health wise. Got the results back from my blood work for the liver function and everything is normal. In fact my White blood cell count improved over 6 months ago. Found out that I do not have Gluten sensitivity. Which is great. But I think that by choosing a healthier diet and regular exercise that I have elmininated the health problems that were causing me to get sick to my stomach so much 5-6 months ago.

I also found out from my Primary Doctor that I am 1 of only 10 patients in his entire career that has successfully been able to come off of Blood pressure medication just by losing weight. So that says a lot for adopting the healthier lifestyle, to be able to completely reverse the effects of high blood pressure. And to also have the Multiple Sclerosis go into a benign state, where it will probably never be an issue again.

I also found out that 2 dear family friends have made the choice to join Metabolic and begin their own journey to losing weight and gaining a healthier lifestyle. So that makes me feel really good that I can help encourage others to make a healthy change for themselves.

So this is just more motivation to keep losing the weight and keep living the healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life. If I can do it and have this much success with changing my health, anyone can.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It's Time to lose the Guilt

Today I attended an awesome class at Metabolic. It was called It's time to lose the Guilt. It was to help us target and explore the guilt that is associated with weight loss. To help move on from any weight loss perceived failures and emotional pain that may have resulted from it.

For me this class helped me to realize that I have no reason to feel guilty for the choices that I have made to eat healthier, to lose the weight once and for all ,and to take control of my over all health. It's my opportunity to do something that it completely for me. To love myself, and take care of the body that God has given me. I'm not changing to please others, I am changing for me. Losing weight is taking care of me, embracing that I need to love me.

Recently I had an experience with a cousin who is greatly over weight. And since learning that I had made the decision to lose my weight, and be healthier. She had made some very sarcastic comments that I let really bother me to the point that I was starting to feel as though she wanted me to feel guilty for doing something that she wasn't ready to do for herself. But just in the past few weeks I have come to the realization  that I have nothing at all to feel guilty about.  My choice to lose my weight is for me, no one and nothing has anything to do with that choice, but me.  It might make others uncomfortable with their present situation, but they need to find their need to change that situation for them. No one can tell you that you need to lose weight. Just like no one can tell you what you should or shouldn't eat. If you eat something that isn't the best choice for your plan then you are the one who made that choice. It's not that you cheated on your plan.

The truth is, you can't cheat with food! it's impossible. The word cheat refers to something illegal or immoral, and food is neither of these.  You do not have some kind of moral or character defect just because you chose to eat a cookie!  As of today, completely stop using the word "cheat" when you refer to your eating plan. Instead, use the words "choose" or "choice" to describe your behavior.  Stop excusing your behavior by blaming lack of will power or discipline.  You're in charge of your own choices.  Take responsibility for the decisions you make around food, and then when you talk about your actions, describe them in ways that maintain your personal power.

One of the challenges that we have with dieting is the way that we catagorize food in the first place. For example, who decided that a carrot was good and a brownie was bad? In most cases you simply measure your dieting efforts against a list of foods that are allowed or not allowed., then chastise yourself for eating from the wrong side.  To break the habit of calling yourself good or bad, follow the same logic as your did with cheating, (you can't be good or bad with's impossible!)  When you discuss your weight-loss plan, refer to your eating choices like this..."I made a good choice this morning by eating a healthy breakfast.  This afternoon, I made a poorer choice when I ate 3 brownies."  By talking about each of you actions as a choice, you can eliminate the punishing self-messages that say you were bad.  Change your vocabulary!  Getting rid of old dieting terms such as cheat, good and bad will take practice.  At first you might feel awkward, but keep at it.  By changing your language, you take back your power around food.  You also acknowledge that you are personally responsible for your decision regarding food.

Before you can take back your power from guilt, you must courageously explore and discover the specific and underlying emotions that may have been at work taking it away. This means taking responsiblilty.  It comes down to YOU and YOUR choices.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Thought that I had plateaued...

This past week I thought that I had hit a plateau. But I guess it was a short lived one. I lost another 1.5 pounds since my weigh in on tuesday. So that puts me only 4.5 pounds away from the 50 pound mark. Makes me want to work that much harder to reach it. And hopefully I can by the end of next week. Or at least by the beginning of the following. Can't believe that I have been able to accomplish so much in such a short time.

Another thing happened today during WI. My blood pressure was the absolute lowest it has ever been. 109/84. So obviously my healthy changes have made a huge difference in my health, so much so that I will never have to worry about high blood pressure, or diabetes again. Yeah! Very happy right now. Never imagined that I could change such serious health issues completely around. It will be interesting to see what the results of my liver function blood tests will show.

All of these positive changes just makes me want to work hard to achieve goal weight in January. Can't wait!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A new Adventure that was Fun....

Today was a fun and exhilarating day. I took my Niece Ashlynn and her best friend Mackenzie with me and we went Hiking. We Hiked to the top of a 614 foot waterfall. And in 90 degree weather. But even though it was quite a hike to the top. And I had to stop several times to catch my breath. It was a lot of fun. And I am really proud of myself. Because even 6 months ago, I would not have been able to do it. So I know that losing nearly 50 pounds. And eating a healthier diet, with regular exercise has helped tremendously to improve my stamina and overall health. We even talked about finding other places to hike. And I think the girls might even go with me to do the Diabetes walk on September 12th. It is so much fun to be active now. And the more things I try and do makes me just want to do more. Which is such an incredible feeling when you consider that at one time the MS had effected my legs so much that I could barely walk. And was even close to being in a wheelchair. And now I am hiking mountains. Who would have thought!

 It really was a lot of fun. I highly recommend getting out and trying new things that you maybe hadn’t done before. Because you never know you might finding something new to add to your own fitness adventures.

Looking over from the top of the Falls
Mackenzie & Ashlynn as we neared
the top of the falls.

Enjoying the water before we hiked back

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Run for the Fallen...

This morning I decided to do Run for the Fallen. It was a Charity 5k Run/Walk to help raise money for the Gold Star Memorial to be built at Willamette National Cemetary to honor the 113 Oregon service men & women who have lost their lives during the Iraq/Afghan wars.

It was Awesome and also rather emotional especially to hear from one of the mothers whose son was killed in action while overseas. But I knew that I wanted to do this not only because it would be a great workout. But because it would be one small way of paying tribute to the milltary service men and women who still serve to protect the freedoms that most of us take for granted.

So we began at just a little after 8:30 this morning and in just under an hour I crossed the finish. So for me that was amazing especially since it has been about 2 years since I had participated in any kind of fitness event.

But you know I want to do more!!! giggles. So in a few weeks I am planning to do a Diabetes walk and then Portlands race for the Cure. So it will be fun and all are great reasons to be involved. So stay tuned in the coming weeks as I share more about my fitness walks.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Great Weigh In.....

Just got back from MRC and had another great WI. I have lost another 1.5 pounds. So that means that I only have 5.5 pounds to go to reach the 50 pound mark. But even more exciting it means that I am only 15.5 pounds away from my half way point.

I am going to work hard the next 2 weeks to make that 50 pound mark. It’s hard to imagine that just by focus and comittment to my healthier lifestyle I have done so much already. And I really cannot wait to reach my Goal weight in January. But even more, I’m looking forward to reaching the halfway point because it will be a weight that I haven’t been since shortly after graduating High School.

So my motivation and commitment is still at an all time high. I want to remain this healthier, fit person and I am not looking back. This is my year to grow and find the woman that I let get lost by blaming my weight on the MS and other health issues. No more baby! This caterpiller is becoming the Monarch butterfly that had been hiding inside. Time to spread my wings and soar!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pretty Happy today....

This morning was a great morning. I got up and went to do my bi-weekly weigh in at MRC. And I had lost 2 more pounds since Satuday.  Yeah! So that makes 43 pounds. So only 7 more to reach a total of 50 pounds. So I should be there with in the next few weigh ins. Gonna work hard over the couple of weeks. Especially since this puts me at only 17 pounds away from my Half way point. Never imagined that this would come up already to be that close to half way. So looking forward to it. Because then there will only be another 61 left to go. And to think that when I started this I was looking at a total of 121 pounds that I wanted to lose. Now just 17 left till half way.

One way that I have been able to stay focused on the task of losing this weight once and for all is that I break it down and set mini goals of 5-10 pounds at a time. That makes it much easier and more fun to work to reach them. Besides the fact that there is the little rewards of being able to sign the boards at MRC for each 10 pounds lost. So making this something fun and easy to work towards has made it so much easier to want to work to lose the weight and keep it off for good this time. Besides the added benefits of being able to turn what have been some serious health issues completely around. I never imagined that my Neurologist would say that the MS is benign and that it will probably never be an issue for me again. What more motivation could I possible need to keep eating a very healthy balanced diet and exercise 3-5 days a week, especially if it means that I won't have the serious symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis to deal with. Life is hard enough. Besides I want to live the healthiest, best life as possible. And I am doing it now.....:-)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Begining to Realize.....

Last night I went to see the movie Eat, Pray, Love with my mom. I loved it! It really hit home for me. It made me a bit emotional too, because I think I am realizing that this journey that I am on is not just about losing weight. It's about finding myself again. It's finding balance in all aspects of my life. Which in turn is helping me to be that healthier, stronger person that I have longed to be.

When I started my plan through Metabolic to lose the weight they mentioned that it is not just about losing weight. It's healing the whole person from the inside out. And now I can see that is true. I think that it comes back the the fact that for me, I finally am listening to God with my whole heart and believing that I am a worthwhile person who derserves to be happy, and healthy and living the best life possible. And this time I am going to succeed at keeping the weight off because it's a matter of keeping all aspects of my life in balance and as long as that is happening everything else just will fall into place.

One of the biggest things that I think has helped me in being successful this time in losing the weight is the fact that I realized that I am the one that needed to start loving myself and taking control of my health. I for so long have hated being fat, and hated being unhealthy, and I would blame it on so many things instead of owning up to it that I needed to change the things that I hated. And I needed to stop blaming others and outside factors for my weight and health issues. I am the only person that can change how I feel and look. So that’s what I did. And I will never look back. That unhappy, unhealthy woman is gone for good this time.

So for me this is what is giving me the motivation and the strong will power to keep working hard and keep losing the weight and keep getting strong and healthy, so that I will not have the serious health issues hanging over my head anymore. And I can continue to enjoy life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Another pound went Bye bye

Pretty happy now! Just got back from WI at MRC and I had lost another pound since Monday. So that makes 41 pounds total. Which means I have 9.5 to go to reach the 50 pound mark I should be able to do that by the begining of Sept. Never imagined to get this far this fast. I only have 19.5 to go to reach my halfway point. I will get there! I can see it and feel it now, I am that healthier, leaner, more fit person that I have always wanted to be and never thought that I could be and now it’s real! so looking forward to January now….giggles!

Monday, August 9, 2010

A New Milestone...

I just got back from WI at MRC. I hit a new milestone, and I cannot believe that I did it but I did. I lost another pound since Friday. So that means that I have lost a total of 40 pounds in 13 weeks. It seems like yesterday that I had started this jouney. And here I have already reached 40 pounds, 54 inches overall and have been able to change some serious health issues completely around.

In just this short amount of time I have been able to get off Blood Pressure medication, I have been able to reduce the amount of MS medication to once every other week and it has been great because I still have had no MS symptoms. I feel better and stronger than I have in at least 15 years. I am leaner and more fit even at this point. And I still have more weight to lose. So I know that by the time that I reach my goal weight in January that I am going to be a completely new person, inside and out.

I never imagined that by truly making the committment to myself to finally take charge of my health would already have such a huge impact. I can see it and feel it now. In the past when others would comment on my weight loss I never really believed that I looked better. Now I can see it and you know that also just gives me more motivation to keep living this healthier, leaner, fitter lifestyle for the rest of my life. If I can make these changes which are so simple, and it has changed my life so much. I really encourage anyone to do it too. It really can change your life for the better.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Life is Beautiful

Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. The hummningbird's delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and that laughter is life's sweetest creation.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Getting Sooo Close now

Just got back from my WI and I am sooo close. Lost 2 pounds since Wednesday. So that means I’m one pound away from losing 40 pounds total. I will be there Monday! Hopefully even blow by it!!!

So over the next 3 days my focus is:

To drink 112 oz of water.
To go the Gym or get some kind of cardio every day.
To keep writing in my food journal as well as here in my blog.

I love how it feels to be healthy and stronger than I have been and felt in years. Just more motivation for me to stay on plan and keep living the healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lost another 1/2 pound

Just got back from WI and I lost another .5 pounds. That means I have lost 37 pounds total now. So only 3 pounds to reach that 40 pound mark. I am going to do it! I will be there by Monday! Lol

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heading to the Gym

Time to go workout....need to get back in the gym since it has been a few days. Never realized that I am craving  working out more than not Lol.

If someone asked me if I imagined that I would enjoy the gym and working out. 5 months ago I might have said no but now I look forward to it. Because I feel awesome. Never would have thought that losing nearly 40 pounds could have that effect. But it does.  And eating healthy feels incredible. Just keeps me even more motivated to keep making healthy choices and living the healthy, fit lean lifestyle.

Besides I am determined to reach the 40 pound mark by the end of this week. Because that means that I will only have 20 pounds to reach the halfway point of my overall goal. And I am going to do this.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Day Just for You

A day of blessings filled to the brim,

a day of good things that come from Him.

A day of beauty, a day of grace...

a day of sunshine touching your face.

A day that keeps you in peace and rest,

a day that bring you all of God's best.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 KJV

Sunday, August 1, 2010

5 ways to develop a Right Vision

In order to succeed at weight loss we need to have vision and focus. Here is some great information that I received during a great class at MRC so I wanted to share it with you and hopefully this can help you too to develop a right vision so that you can be successful in your weight loss journey.

1. Think and speak your reality into existence
a. Positive thoughts and words are a precursor to positive results and the good news is, YOU CAN CONTROL THEM. The question is- will you choose to? Regardless of what you say to yourself or to others, your actions will speak louder than your words… try this: Create your vision in your head. Write it down if you’d like. Carry this vision with you and assume the role “as if” you were acting out a role. Practice doing what the ideal you would do rather than what the “now” you would do. Almost magically, the “as if” you have become the “now you” and you’re no longer acting….you just are!!!

2. Manage your feelings
a. We are all emotional beings. Emotions are both positive and negative. Emotions produce feelings that aren’t always true. For example, feeling “unloved” can produce “sadness”, but that sadness doesn’t prove that you are unloved. Or, you may have eaten a carbohydrate that you’re extremely sensitive to that produced bloating. That bloating can make you “feel” like you’ve gained 20 pounds and your fear of weight regain can really play into it. One trip to the scale will prove that feeling wasn’t true at all. So don’t let your emotions manage you. You must manage your emotions. Help manage your emotions by meeting your physical needs:

Balance in nutrition will alleviate quick drops in your blood sugar (which may otherwise affect you emotionally leaving you grumpy, sad or confused)

Herb & vitamin support will ensure your physical cravings are eliminated

3. Assume the Best
Nothing ruins a good day quicker then dwelling on negative thoughts. When you get a negative thought, refuse to indulge it. Change your own mind. Decide first thing in the morning how your day is going to be and simply ” walk it out”. However your day is going, good or bad, we must of course acknowledge its reality - BUT … we can still choose to see good in it; even in the worst situations. You’ve heard the saying: “When life gives you lemons make lemonade!” Here’s another example: You go out to dinner with friends. It’d an anniversary celebration, everyone’s toasting with a glass of wine (that you’ve chosen not to have) and then they pass the desert tray your way. In the blink of an eye, old habits resume, you order and eat half of your chocolate cheesecake before you even realize it and then stop yourself! Do this: Nix the self-sabotaging guilt trip you may normally put on yourself. Instead, acknowledge and be ready to accept the consequence of your decision (it may slow your progress). Next, acknowledge that you ate only 1/2 of the cake and that in the past you would have eaten the whole piece! Take time to notice that this is an amazing achievement for you. It’s no small step, so don’t minimize it. Congratulate yourself on a job better done! Have you ever heard someone say, “Make it a great day”? This person is saying, “You choose”. So, regardless of what life gives you, it’s up to you to make some lemonade!

4. Get the Small Things Right and You Will Feel Better
a. Even if you’re not going out of the house, take a minute to fix yourself up and get dressed.
b. Go ahead, put on those perfectly matching earrings. Tweeze those brows! Clip those nose-hairs, put on some perfume or cologne. Believe it or not, these small things will alter the way you think about yourself, the way you talk to yourself and the way that you treat yourself. It may even change the way that others treat you.
c. Treat yourself to the little things that make you feel special. When’s the last time that you shut your bedroom door and told everyone that you’re off the clock for an hour? Just imagine sinking into a hot relaxing bubble bath. Your bathroom is dimly lit and scented by a few of your favorite candles! Imagine taking something that you so deserve…a little bit of time for yourself! You would give it to others that you love wouldn’t you? Now, give that same nurturing gift to yourself!

5. Be part of Something Bigger Than Yourself
a. Choose to believe that this struggle (and others from your past) may be a source of strength to others. We know that a woman with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more may reduce her life expectancy by 7 years! By choosing to lose weight, you are likely adding 5 or even 10 years to your life. That loved one, that Grandchild may need your life experience to succeed. There may be people in your life that are watching you succeed, or even watching you struggle. In either case, you may be the only glimmer of Hope that they have. At this very moment you may be imparting courage, saving a life or another person’s self esteem. Imagine that! How wonderful it can be!

•Think and speak your reality into existence
•Manage your feelings
•Assume the best
•Get the Small Things Right and You Will Feel Better
•Be Part of Somthing Bigger Than Yourself!

So why settle for being a firecracker …when you can be the BOMB!

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well just got back from MRC and I didn't lose anything from when I weighed in on the 27th. But the good news is that I didn't gain anything either. My focus this week is to really increase my water intake to at least 112 oz and to get to the gym at least 3-4 days per week. And then to just stick completely to plan. No more birthday cake! giggles

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need to refocus on Exercise...

I realize today that I have been a little slacking in my exercise plan. I have to get my butt back in gear so that I am able to lose the weight a little faster. The past several days things have slowed. But I am focusing my efforts on hitting that 40 pound mark this next week. SO gotta step it up. Tonight was tough though had family dinner to celebrate my Dad’s 66th birthday. And I wasn’t going to have any cake but broke down and had some. And I still feel blah! And after the crazy busy day at work I am exhausted.  But tomorrow is a new day and so I will start fresh and hit the gym too.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let's focus on the Future

Get your focus off past failures and on to future sucesses. There is a reason that your windshield is so much bigger than the rear view mirror. The biggest part of your focus needs to be on where you're going, not where you've been. The future and your success are in front of you. All eyes and efforts must be looking forward, cause the simple fact is, if you spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror you're going to crash!!

Practice your focus by refusing to entertain past failures...don't keep talking about them. Entertain only positive thoughts and intentions by talking about them... with anyone who will listen! Talk about the new you that you're becoming and you will become that person. Put yourself in the frame of mind that has only one gear "FORWARD". If you're committed to FORWARD you won't ever "park" (become complacent) or go in "reverse" (relapse) again. It's as impossible to look forward and backward at the same time as it is to walk north and south at the same time! Remember, the direction that you're going is the direction you're choosing to go. The Power is yours - make the right decision...make the decision that lines up with your focus. Your vision has EVERYTHING to do with your weekly weight loss average and ultimately, the outcome of your program.

Some great news during Weigh in

So just got back from WI at MRC and found out that they had unanimously voted me to be the Client of the Month for August. Could not believe it. They all said that because of what I have already accomplished by reversing my several health issues they just wanted to share my story. So I am excited, because I want to hopefully inspire others to make the change to a healthier lifestyle. It can make such a difference and besides that it losing the weight is an added benefit.

So I lost another pound since Friday. And that means I only have 3.5 to go to reach my next goal of 40 pounds. I will for sure do that by next week. So just more motivation to stay on plan.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One Day, One breath, One Sep at a Time

One day, one breath, one step at a time... That's how I get through it :)

Keeping this in mind and taking each day and each pound of weight loss as it comes makes this journey easier. It's when looking at the big picture that things can be overwhelming. And as we all have heard many times it took time to put the weight on so its going to take time to take it off.

So don't stress over the things that you can't control and don't beat yourself up if you have a bad or off day. just refocus the next day and go on. Its going to happen. I know we are a society that wants instant gratification. We want the easy fix. If this was easy there wouldn't be a need to lose weight. But this journey of gaining our life and a healthier lifestyle can only be achieved by taking it one day, one breath, and one step at a time. And just remember we are in this together.

Hugs, Cheryl

My Declaration of Thin Dependence

On thusday the 22nd I  came from a great class at MRC. Very inspiring and even more motivation to keep up my efforts to be thin, healthy and fabulous. We were given a great bit of motivation and I thought I would share it with all of you....

Declaration of Thin Dependence

"My Bill of Rights"

I have the right to be THIN

I have the right to enjoy an ACTIVE Lifestyle

I have the right to say "NO"

I have the right to FEEL GOOD (and be proud of myself)

I have the right to take TIME FOR MYSELF

I have the right to make a HEALTHY choice

I have the right to be THIN FROM WITHIN


So lets all declare our Thin Dependence, because we are strong, beautiful, fabulous people. And we are all going to win this war against obesity!

Hello World

Welcome to my Blog .This is my way of sharing the Ups and Downs of my weight loss journey and the inspirations and milestones that I have been through so that I can hopefully give help and inspiration to others.

This year has so far been quite a interesting one for me. I had begun with many ups and downs due to my health. And that was what finally motivated me to turn to Metabolic research center for help once and for all to lose the weight that has plagued me most of my life.When the Doctors started saying that my health issues were mainly irritable bowel syndrome and that there were more meds that they would prescribe to help, that was enough. I finally realized that no one and nothing else was going to help me feel better. I was the one who had to change things.

So that was why I made the change and started my program with MRC. And to date I have lost 35.5 pounds and so far 54 inches over all. I have aproximately 86 pounds to go. But am well on my way...

And for the first time in my life I'm realizing that "nothing tastes as good as being thin  and healthy feels."